Friday, 24 August 2007

How to keep a dog clean!

I wish I had the answer. It ain't easy with Sister Bliss and her surrogate mother, Natty Dread.

But they had been as good as gold all day, a dreary day, keeping quiet whilst I worked on the computer. So by the time Peter arrived home from the Office to collect Natty Dread and Maxxi Jazz they were bursting with energy.

Suddenly, Peter spied a rabbit - a rather fat and happy rabbit - sitting quietly under the apple tree just outside the conservatory munching away on one of the apples that had fallen in the last wind. "Quick! let's bring the dogs in" said Peter as he dashed off to find them. Good little Maxxi Jazz immediately responded to "Come here Dandies" so that was one dog in the fold. Old Boy didn't respond as he was in pole position in the bed under my computer desk and he wasn't about to give up that place to the littleys! So that was two. But where were the bitches? Had they managed to find a hole in the fence (or make one)?

Yes - you've guessed! The 'girls' were far too busy for humans and almost completely hidden in the bushes and trees and down the enormous holes that they had unearthed and dug. A simple 'come here' wasn't good enough for them during such a serious mission.

Reluctantly, Sister Bliss emerged followed later by Natty Dread. You can see by their faces how they were feeling!

But at least one bit of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier is 'self-cleaning'!