Friday 6 April 2007

Come Here Bliss!

Up first thing in the morning, orchestrated by Bliss with the backing of Boy, Rontybrig Ringmaster, my old Chap of nearly 14, who is Bliss' mentor. A slight change this morning. She barked. A squeak at first, ignored by me and my dream, and then a definite 'it's time to get up' bark.

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are great organisers of their people. Ch Rontybrig Jemima, when I had to get up at 5am each morning for work, used to make a terrible fuss to get me out of bed in time. She always succeeded and then promptly went back to her bed fast asleep. She wouldn't even go out to do her puddle unless I carried her! A great sense of duty.

Bliss is just full of the joys of spring and, despite the clock change, knows precisely the time that we should be up and doing things. Check Mrs Coot, scare the pidgeons, make sure the rabbits have left their bed and breakfast accommodation and, her ultimate favourite, try and catch a mole in its hole.

'Come here Bliss' - she's very good at that - but this morning there was no response. After the other morning of worry I was calmer today. Sure enough, a few minutes later, my gorgeous 'just about in show condition' mustard coloured Dandie puppy came creeping in with her front paws and face absolutely black with soil saying 'don't put me in the bath - pleeeease!'. There was no mole in her mouth but it is only a matter of time!

The bath can wait - it is going to be a lovely warm dry day here today so it's not the claggy mud that needs immediate removal. There are only so many times in a day that a Dandie can have a bath and I'd rather share her joy and enthusiasm for all these new exploits.

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