Sunday 15 April 2007

Do Dandie Dinmont Terriers Watch Television?

A resounding yes!

Old Boy is in his element if children's TV is on - cartoons or even some of the younger children's magazine-type programmes. Nothing wrong with his eyesight, he sits on the sofa and enjoys.

Sister Bliss, however, has a different style of viewing. It was first noticeable the other night when I decided to go to bed at a reasonable hour to watch a film - can't remember the name but it was all about the Jekell Family - those of Jekell and Hyde fame. It was one of those quite spooky movies with dark streets and ominous music. Well Bliss couldn't contain herself. For a non-barking variety of Dandie Dinmont she went ballistic at the TV poor lass. Barked her head off whilst I tried to grab the channel changer. Phew - managed to find the main TV channel menu - ah, that should be OK - Hetty Wainthrop murder mystery stuff. Little old lady finds the culprit.

NO! That episode took us straight back into a scene of grey people skulking around the back streets of some town or other with spooky music again. Sister Bliss voiced her complaint vociferously again.

By this time it must have been 1am. Boy was stoically ignoring us, I was trying to wind down and this little beastie at the end of the bed was making us both aware of her dislike and probably worry about the programme.

Nothing for it but to change channels again. Not a lot on so we went for a Do It Yourself kind of programme. Peace at last. Bliss had been pacified by a hammer and nails and Boy and I drifted off into a deep sleep - not even staying awake long enough to turn off the TV. Ah well...

1 comment:

Rudy said...

Hi Sister Bliss!

Oooh I don't like spooky TV shows either -- Uncle Dennis likes the SciFi channel and they're always having space aliens and monsters that eat people. I hide in my bed and pretend they're not there!
The U.S. dog show magazine that had the article on Dandies is called Dog News. One of Mom's California friends said that, but I don't know when it came out. It's a weekly magazine, so it's like catch it now or you miss it. That's why we're hoping we can find a copy pretty quickly when "our" article comes out, if it does.
We're having a big rain storm on the East Coast today so we're stuck inside watching old movies and the Weather Channel. Boring!
